Tuesday, March 14, 2006

So im out for dinner with this Taiwanese celebrity......

Tuesday night, we all get in a Van, pick up Eric the piano rock star at the University where he teaches and we drive for 1.5 to go for dinner, chosen by Eric and Christine from TBC-Taiwan. around the 45 min mark we start to climb this hill. twists and turns, the van is chugging and starts to spit fumes into the back seat. we keep climbing and climbing- its like trying to drive up Cypress or Seymour exept with more turns. We start to suspect the restuarant doesn't exist- no cars, no lights around, nuthin. AND of course all we wanted was a "noodles and beer" (as you can tell an ongoing theme with us here in Taipei) haus.

We finally make it to the top of the hill, and by this time the fog has rolled in unfortuantly so no view. and we can't even make out the restuarant which is built into the side of the hill. BUT Bam! cars everywhere lining the road. and im not talking 1990 Nissan Stanzas.

We walk in and its this huge place with all private dining stations. Off the shoes and into this little booth. Apparently this is a super famous Zen Buddhist restaurant. Eric of course gets treated like Royalty and we get the prime dinner place.

All the food is served in these bite sized portions with a million different courses being served. Everything fresh and tasty. much to our dismay howerver, no alcohol is served here. Damn those zen buddhists and their healthy living!

End of the night- eric whips out some of last nights programs, autographs them, then presents us all with his latest CD


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