Friday, March 10, 2006

Heunginjimun Gate

Main east gate of the city wall, build 1398, restored in 1869. Near the massive Dongdaemun Markets and smack in the middle of a traffic circle. Why would you build this in the middle of a traffic circle?

Ten Storied Stone Pagoda- Tapgol Park

This 12 meter high stone pagoda was built in 1467. Designated National Treasure #2.

Tapgol Park

Tapgol Park is this little oasis in the crazyness of Insadong market area. This is the first modern park in Seoul-built in 1900's. Bithplace of the March First Independance Movement, this is where the "Korean people's spirit of independance still lives". On March 1 1919, at Tapgol Park, the Declaration of Independence was first read aloud.

The Basingak Bell Tower

Built in 1396, bell was rung to signal the opening and closing of the city gates. At this point, all these monuments start looking the same now. But most of them are now sort of hidden away between skyscapers or appartment buildings

Entrance to Deok Su Gung Palace

Official Residence of King 1608-1615

Changing of the Guard- Deok Su Gung Palace

Jongno Tower

The Cheong Gye Cheon stream

Since 1392, The Cheong Gye Cheon stream has been running through Central Seoul from W-E. In October 2005 the area around the stream was completely restored as an "ecological friendly" area for all citizens to enjoy. total lenght is 5.84 KM and is broken up into different "theme" areas designated by 23 bridges along the stream.


I hope they've got one hell of a marketing plan

you gotta be freakin kidding me

Would YOU eat this?

From a street vendor. on the sidewalk. on cardboard.

Pop Quiz

In Seoul which of the following are allowed on the already crowded sidewalks:
  1. pedestrians
  2. motocycles
  3. mopeds
  4. bicyclists

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Hongudan - the Alter to Heavan

Built by the Chosun Dynsasty in 1897. The emporer offered sacrifices to Heaven. Doesn't say what he sacrificed. During the Japanese occupation they tore half of the alter down and built the Chosun Hotel (now the Westin Chosun Hotel - go starwood!). This alter is what remains

Nameaemun (south gate) Market

To celebrate the end of the Korea-portion of the mission - tonight we went back to Namdaemun Market to fully explore- a huge local market that sell all sorts of crap (leather goods, travel bags, gift items)+ trendy clothing shops, shoe shops, electronic stores- all surrounded by restuarants, bars and food vendors.

Fun for a stroll though- weather tonight was perfect for wandering. And no I don't understand what the cowboy was doing either. but people loved him.

Nameaemun (south gate) Market

Blogger is being a pain so i'll have to divide the photo's up into seperate posts

Nameaemun (south gate) Market

Nameaemun (south gate) Market

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

And I shall call this "Starbucks as Temple"

Can't decide if this is ironic or just sad.

First look at Korean markets at night

So very cool. This was taken at the start of an area called Namdaemun Market- just one of the famous markets of seoul. around 930 pm- busy like Robson Street on a friday night.

Its like if you wander far enough and take enough turns into enough neon allyways, you'll find that cock fight

Rod Harris & Gina Choi (tbc korea)

Rod at the dinner event tonight. Following Rod in order were:
  • a lounge singer dressed in red leather and fishnet stockings playing the accordian (yes im sorry i didn't get that photo too)
  • a Korean MC who led the room in some kind of Rock Paper Scissors contest- all in Korean of course
  • a Magician
So basically Rod was the opening act for the lounge acts from HELL


TBC Korea had these banners made

Actually had to work today

lobby of Westin Chosun promoting the event

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Networking Night 1 part 2

Maybe just interesting to me, but it sounds like some kind of set up to a joke "so the korean guy in the suit, whips out a pair of scissors and starts cutting up the squid...

Networking Night 1

Forced against our will to join local hosts at the "Budweiser Carnival" bar. Much food was consumed as well as one or two "Cass"-Korean Beer. Below - one of our marketing partners sponsorship bags gets free plugs in Korea